Buying a new privilege card

Some establishments offer you the privileges card (members card, fidelity card, etc.) which give you some advantages when you purchase.

Here are some examples of the advantages you can benefit when you have the privileges card:
- Access to presale of shows
- Discounts on ticket prices
- Gift certificate - depending on the amount of the purchases
- Many more rebates and advantages

Not all establishments offer you the privileges card.
The advantages vary according to the organization that offers you the privileges card and those advantages mentioned above are not necessary offered by all establishments

The above list is only an example of the many advantages you could have when you are in possession of the privileges card. For a complete list of the advantages please select a specific card.

Unfortunately no organization actually offers to buy their privileges card online.
You can contact the venue directly to buy a card.
However, please note that not all organizations offer this service.

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